About Transcend by Monet

natural health/beauty products and healers practicing various aspects of energy medicine. I have completed teacher training courses for yoga and nutrition. I have also studied various forms of meditation and continue to be an avid practitioner and proponent of meditation given its many incredible health and anti-aging benefits.
I have always had an open mind and love to discover new perspectives and different healing practices, but I am always looking to/for the data and case studies to support the methodology as it is often a requirement for acceptance by the predominant mainstream paradigm and the current medical model.
Born and raised in Texas, traditional western medicine was the only option that I knew existed. I was taught to "just do what the doctor says", and that the doctor is the authority of my body. I came to learn in my mid-twenties that indeed, the doctor doesn't know everything, and just doing what the doctor says can have far-reaching consequences and serious side effects.
I now employ an all encompassing integrative approach because I have personally experienced the limitations of relying solely on the current medical model on three separate occasions and twice with two family members. Tragically, I lost my baby brother at age 27. You can read more about the circumstances around his death, and how his death served as the impetus for Transcend by Monet here.
Given my personal medical experiences, my brother's death and my Grandmother's breast cancer struggle, I remain interested in exploring and examining how we address disease, the way we age and the belief systems that keep us attached to unhealthy patterns and lifestyles. The journey is ultimately about transitioning from a fear based desire to change to a model that directs you to choose informed, life-enhancing action rooted in self-love and respect for your body, your health and your life. This is the beginning of the process of transcendence. There are NO LIMITS.
To learn more about the medical experiences that led to the emergence of Transcend by Monet, please read The Origin of Transcend by Monet.
Knowledge activates our
potential to transcend
Transcend by Monet is a pro-active, integrative health and wellness model created to disseminate comprehensive information and resources that cultivate health and healing. Clients are provided with the tools and support to transcend all health-related concerns and limitations, such as disease or addiction.
With the latest, cutting-edge research and information, clients will feel confident and supported knowing all of their available options to make informed decisions for themselves and with their medical care providers, as opposed to disempowering reactions based in fear that can often times lead to debilitating consequences and painful, long-term side effects.
Transcend by Monet's problem solving processes seek to address the root cause of an issue, not suppress symptoms. The goal is to assist clients in healing entirely. An integrative mind, body and spirit approach is employed where appropriate and scientifically supported. The least invasive, non-toxic methods available are looked to primarily, those modalities and protocols that clients may not have seen or discovered otherwise. However, research is all-inclusive and will encompass all existing options as indicated by clients' preferences.
About Monet Euan
As a graduate of Dartmouth College with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, I have spent the last thirteen years working as a writer, researcher, ghostwriter, editor and consultant, with a focus on health, nutrition and alternative medicine the past several years. I have been living in Los Angeles for seventeen years, and over the years, I have had the opportunity to study and practice with world-renowned teachers and leaders in their respective fields. I have worked with Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors, herbalists, nutritionists, chemists/creators of